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Time Limit:    1 M : 30 S
Round Time Limit:    1 M : 30 S
Match Start Time:    30 Seconds
Round Start Time:    10 Seconds
Skip Infil:    On
Input Swap Allowed:    Off
Allow Callout Ping:    Off

Spectating: Player View
3rd Person Spe
ctating: Off
Killcam: Off
Enable Minimap: Yes
Radar Always On: Off
Weapon Pings Minimap Enabled: Off
Weapon Pings on Compass: On
Enemy on Compass: Off
Respawn Delay: 2.5 Seconds
Wave Spawn Delay: None
Suicide Spawn Delay: 1 Seconds
Force Respawn: On
Team Assignment: On
Friendly Fire: On
Team Kill Punish Limit:

Time to Capture Zone:    45 Seconds
Extra Time On Capture:    1 Minute
Disable Majority Capture Progress:    On
Maximum Capture Rate Multiplier:
Suicide Lowers Team Lives: On
Number Of Lives: On
Overtime Defenders: Most Captures
Pause Time On Zone Captured: On

Force Same Loadouts: Off
Care Package Drop Time: Off
Spawn Camera: Off
Hardcore Mode: Off
Spawn Ammo Mags: Normal
Headshots Only: Off
Health Steal: Off
Cranked Timer: Off
Allow Field Upgrades: On
Field Upgrade Charge Rate: Normal
Field Upgrade Score Modifier: Normal
Perks: On
Killstreaks: On
Round Retain Streaks: On
Retain Streaks on Death: On
Killstreak Delay: 10 Seconds
Persistent Streak Progress: Off
Wrap Killstreaks: Off
Killstreak Lottery: Off
Equipment Delay: Off
Equipment Protection: Off
Battle Chatter: Off
Announcer Dialog: On
Dynamic Map Elements: On

Max Health:    150
Health Regeneration:    Normal
Enable Armor:    Off
Third Person View:    Off
Tactical Sprint:    On
Weapon Mounting:    Off
Allow Revives:    On
Downed Health:    40 Points
Downed Revived Health:    Half (50)
Downed Bleedout Timer:    10 Seconds
Downed Revived Time:    2 Seconds
Downed Give Up Time:    1 Second
Team Revive Timeout:    Unlimited
Team Revive Time:    5 Seconds
Team Revive Health:    30 (Hardcore)

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